There's a very powerful tradition in northern Brazil known as something close to Bomfim's ribbon bracelet. It's basically a ribbon that was sanctified and blessed by this Bahian Saint named Senhor do Bomfim. You must tie it around your wrist making three knots and for each you can make a wish. You should never remove or cut it. But once it breaks the three wishes will come true. I myself used twice and as far as I can remember some of the things I asked actually happened. Was it Bonfim's power? I have know idea, but as they say "Chances favors the prepared mind" and a prepared mind can mean believing and surrounding yourself with positive things no matter how silly they might sound. 
I'm just telling this whole story so you can understand better the reason we loved working in this last week project, Bem Casados tied with Bomfim's ribbon braceletes. Besides being a chaming way of bring some Brazilian accent to the celebration it's a great way to spread great energies and some tradition to the newlyweds and their guests.
Have a lucky week!